Saturday, July 16, 2011

Break-up or not???????????????????????????…

been living with my bf for a little over two years. Honey moon phase has ended...I'm 30 he is 26 and his first time living with a girl. We fight at least weekly but we always love each other....i believe we have alot of issues, our fights have gotten pretty bad, both verbal and phyical on both our parts no one is really to blame. Anyway I KNOW we both love each other but we need help. I've felt like he has pulled himself away from the relationship and is not putting in the effort, he broke up with me last summer but then took it back and said we needed couseling. I was the one who set up the appointment and we went once. Seems like I was putting more effort in then him. We rarely have sex anymore and I just feel like it's over so I ended it. I am looking for a new place to live. He didn't seem to mind and hasn't made any attempt at "saving" the relationship so that shows me tht I'm doing the right thing I guess? I feel that if he wanted to put in the effort he wouldn't let me go. It's just hard right now, we are civil and friendly but sleeping in separate rooms. I just hope I'm making the right decision. Anyone out there have any advice or similar situation? When I've tried to talk about our "relationship issues" as of late he doesn't want too or seems not wanting to deal with it. I think I already know my answer, I was just wondering if I should be a last ditch effort or if it's beating a dead horse.

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