Friday, July 15, 2011

First time raising turkeys?

Ive been through multiple flocks of chickens and have gotten the process of raising them down pretty well. Lost a couple flocks due to bad latches on an old coop and a hungry fox but we have since built a new coop and no problems so far. I recently got 6 baby chickens to replace my old hens who have stopped laying and will replace them as they die off to keep our flock around 15. The babies recently went outside and now I have room for my turkeys which I just picked up this morning. I only got 2 as I dont want to overcrowd my back yard, and we were considering using them as thanksgiving dinner but now im not too sure if they will be ready by then if they are 3 days old today? They are white ones i forget the name of the breed. I currently have them in my basement with a heat lamp and food and water. I was just curious if turkeys bond with humans? I had one rooster who followed me like a dog but I have never had another quite like him. I would enjoy friendly turkeys but then Im not sure i could bring myself to eat them! I also want to check and make sure it would be ok to keep them in with my chickens and goats when they get big enough to go outside. Their pasture is maybe 200x100 feet. Just looking for some tips. Im not worried but i would like to know

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