Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can someone curse a tiki charm?

ive been at a friends house for the past few days. my friend went out on her back porch yesterday and found what looks like a tiki charm from a braclet. mind you this was yesterday! all day today (sunday) everything keeps going wrong. my car started acting up so i had a friend come over to fix it and it got worse. now i cant get it to drive. the landlord lives right next door. and she is full blood indian. anyway. when my friend picked up the charm, she said she got a very bad feeling about it. she asked me earlier today if i have ever done any witchcraft because she felt evil feelings all day. of course i said no! i was always too afraid to get myself involved in witchcraft. so i mentioned the tiki charm. wondering if the landlord chanted over the tiki charm and cursed this house... or even us! does anyone know anything about this???

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