Monday, July 18, 2011

Why has my daschund being ugly lately?

He just turn 2 years old 2 days ago. After that he's been mean to everyone. Before when I sleep and someone comes by me he gets all protective and we thought it was cute. But now when my mom was joking with him. He growl at her and came to me all scared. Then today there was a dog outside and he was friendly. Well I checked the dogs collar and went to pick it up to bring it home and my dog chewed its tail.. poor dog ran home scared :(.. Is this normal for him to act like this?

I have 2 questions about my story. please answer, i havent had many answers for my questions lately?

The plot sounds good, I wasn't to convinced until i started to read part of your story. it is fantastic so far. All i can say is...KEEP WRITING :D xxx

Is this thinning or the pattern of my hair growth around the crown?

i feel like a stylist at a salon would be able to tell the difference really easily...i would ask them to make sure and get the right answer

My son is obsessed with vampires and acts like one. How do I fix this?

Ever since my son saw Twilight, he acts like a vampire. One day, his teacher called home because he likced a kids paper cut. And at home, he always tries biting the dog. Another time he brought home a friend and took out a giant pot, then he put water in the pot and told his friend to get in the pot. His friend sat in the pot and my son began running around him chanting "Ooo ha ha ha ooooo ha ha ha". I pulled him aside one day and told him vampires are bad and not real. He still doesn't realize it. What should I do?

Catholics, just curious, why do you chant the following...?

Because Roman Catholics have adopted the pagan worship of a goddess, and her child. To the Babylonians, she was Semiramis and the son Tammuz, to the Egyptian, she was Isis and the child Osiris, to the Romans it was Venus, Minerva, and the Greek Aphrodite. For them, Mary is the Mother of God- thus more powerful than God himself! Jesus when he did his first miracle addressed Mary: 'Woman' instead of mother. On another occasion, while Jesus was teaching, a disciple approached as told him that his mother and siblings were waiting outside. He then told the crowd, he who obeys my word are my mother, brother and sisters. In other words, Mary may be Jesus' earthly mother, but she is not her mother as God because Jesus claimed to have existed long before Mary was born- in fact he was in the beginning and nothing was made without him- Because Jesus is the WORD that became flesh.

I've met an extremely cautious girl and I like her but what should I do next (10 points)?

Well when y'all r with a group of friends hanging out and when she waves go talk to her keep it friendly, u don't want to scare her off. Also if u feel in your heart that she likes u then she probably does. Just follow your heart, she could be the one, and if she is the one love her with all your heart and never hurt her.

Is it so with all men?

I know Im not a man...I hope. But the thing is, even women look at other men! Aslong as you aren't acting on it or telling your wife all about it, I guess its harmless

Horse charges me when lunging?

It's probably best to ask a professional horse instructor. Horses can become dangerous. my horse did that and within a week after the horse man saw him and lunged him and taught me some tricks of the trade!

Is there anyone else who can't stand the WWE's audience reaction to Cena?

This is not a rant against John Cena, it is a rant against the (majority) of the adult male's reaction to John Cena. John Cena is not a heel, yet there are the ever present "Cena Sucks" chants. I don't care if you dislike John, it is your opinion in which you are entitled to. I almost always cheer for the "good guy" unless sheamus is involved (for some reason I like him). John Cena's character currently plays the face and has for years. In a recent rivalry with the Miz and in the current rivalry with R-Truth John Cena is "booed" by the male audience. I'm fine with that but the thing that is starting to irritate me is that the heels are getting cheered. For an example the Miz has few fans now with his rivalry with A-Ry but he had alot more when he had a rivalry with Cena. R-Truth has not only thrown a drink into the face of an audience member but has also stolen a Cena hat from a child. Yet, you will not hear the male audience chant "R-Truth sucks" but they will in fact cheer for the heel. I've noticed that on topics concerning John Cena only about half of the contributers to the thread (who dislike Cena) have actual reasoning as to why they dislike Cena. This situation is kind of like Bret Hart's. I guess my real question isn't how can you boo Cena, but how can you cheer the bad guy especially R-Truth who is doing a very good job as a heel.

Does he like me or am i overthinking his actions?

He has been my best guy mate for as long as i can remember! He is amazing and i have liked him as more then a friend for over 3 years. He always looks at me and if i look at him back he gives a wide grin. He is not necessarily popular and we would probaby be made fun out of if we start dating, but even if we were popular, it wouldnt happen as he hasnt given any indication that he wants to start dating. He has also dated my 2 bestffriends which really hurt me and i think he still likes my bestfriend -who owns this account- which would really be merde in so many ways, but he is the most friendly with me, does he like me as a friend or more then that, he is always sticking up for me and gets jeallous when i stick up for other guys instead of him, sorry its long but please help, 10 points, loveyaaaaaa x

What does this dream i had last night mean?

my boyfriend and myself were skinheads marching with a bunch of them down this road we lived by when we use to lived down south and we was carrying swastika flags, as we was marching i saw black people hanging from trees and houses on fire. but everyone including us was chanting and couldn't stop as we turned a corner inside the small community i woke up what does this mean? P.S both of us are white

I hate my internship, I don't know what to do?

So far I have been in this internship for a month. It’s not my co-workers nor is it my boss. I like them and these people are really friendly and helpful. They are real relaxed and chill people. I’m not going to quit it, I’m going to stick it out but here’s my issue. I really feel like this is not what I want to do in the future. My boss told me the only reason I was offered this internship was because of all the applicants I had the most programming experience (I am a computer science minor and decided to get those classes out the way first before working on my major). I am a Math major, I hate programming. This internship which I did not find out until last week is a software engineering internship. Once again I hate programming. I thought it was a programming analyst position which I mention on my resume which was what I was looking for. After being slapped with that discovery, I started researching on the company to see if there are any possible jobs I could do (if I was offered a job) that does not include programming(which there isn’t), I rather analyze, work with people, and review, just hate writing code. Don’t get me wrong, I am good at programming received good greats in my C++ courses, I just hate the stressed and headache that comes with it. I’m scared that I will be offer a full time position as a software developer, because my boss and co-workers love me. I’m scared to turn it down, and in this recession, turning down a job offer is idiotic. I have no idea what to do. Any advice???

Can I start dating even though I just filed for divorce?

please take it from someone who knows based on own experiences. DO NOT rush in to dating again right now... you said it yourself, you were married for 25 long years, you don't trust men anymore. soooo, take some much needed time for yourself, without a man in your life.. surround yourself with friends and family. learn to have fun without a man or a relationship. get to know yourself, who you are separately as an individual. you shared your life with this man for a very long time, so it is imperative that you take time for yourself before you bring another man in to your life. This will be a great time for you to grow independent, and to gain self confidence.. and to learn to trust yourself before you try trusting another man again.

Run in with my ex-girlfriend?

Hello all, I found out that my Ex-girlfriend and I are going to be in the same place at the same time at an event coming up. We didn’t have a bad break up, and we still exchange emails from time to time, but nothing overly friendly. We haven’t seen each other since we split up about 8 months ago. I know she is hanging out/dating a guy who may or may not be with her at this event. I’ve lost about 25lbs of fat and put on a good deal of muscle since the last time she saw me, so I look different now. I’m just wondering how to act if we end up running into one another. I wouldn’t mind talking to her and being friendly to her and her new guy if he's with her. Also I wouldn’t mind her seeing that I’m in great shape now and doing much better for myself. I just don’t know if I should approach her if her new guy is with her and introduce myself or what? Or wait till I can catch her alone for a minute? I don’t care that she’s seeing someone. I have nothing but the best wishes for her, and hope she’s happy. I’ve never been in a situation like this before, and since I haven’t seen her in so long I would like to be friendly. How should I approach the situation? Is there anything in particular I could say to her to maybe spark her curiousty or interest without stepping on her new guys toes?

I got drunk recently for the first time and now i never want to drink again. Is this normal?

if you like the drink itself, just not the aftermath, try and use portion control. find when you start getting a tiny bit woozy stop. try find the limit.

One kind of slingshot consists of a pocket that holds a pebble and is whirled on a circle of radius r.?

The pebble is released from the circle at an angle θ, so that it will hit the target. The distance to the target from the center of the circle is d. (See the drawing, which is not to scale.) The circular path is parallel to the ground, and the target lies in the plane of the circle. The distance d is 8.84 times the radius r. Ignore the effects of gravity in pulling the stone downward after it is released and find the angle θ.

Do you think this opening of a fantasy novel for little kids is ok?

Awww I really like it! It's so innocent from the child's point of view and I like how you set the scene. One tiny criticism [so sorry] would be that you said it's for little children but it sounds so grown up! Good luck and I hope that helps!

I'm an atheist in highschool. What should I do?

I live in Orange County CA which is very conservative and christian. I am a 16 year old gay leftist atheist. The gay part actually isn't what gets me into trouble. I don't know what to do. I've told people I'm an atheist and I get picked on for it and people treat me like a leper (very christian of them...). When Prop 8 was being debated I remember the people in my middle school chanting homophobic slurs and slapping 'yes on 8' stickers on everything, I guess it's because their parents. I was with a very popular girl in my school once and we were chatting, all of a sudden she asks me if I go to church. I answered "No". She asked me why and I said because I don't believe in god. She freaked out, called her friends over, and told everyone I don't believe in god. Her friends started asking me all these questions, and I could see she was crying a little. She asked what happened after we die if there is no God and I said 'nothing'. She apparently went home, told her parents and cried to them, and I was called to the principals office. The school principal told me not to speak out your personal beliefs, I understood and said yes. But now I still get harassed. I can tell that everyone knows I'm an atheist and hates me exactly for that reason. I was popular until I answered that one question the girl asked. I can tell even the teachers treat me differently. I go to a public school btw. I hate this. I hate everyone in this piece of crap southern california beach town. I can't talk to my parents about it, since they are ultra conservative bible thumpers. I've had to HIDE the books "The God Delusion" and "God is not great" under my bed so they can't find out. I will never tell them who I really am until I move out... I don't want to be kicked out of my house when I'm 16.

Do Americans have to help the communists in order to keep their union job?

There is not one sentence in that whole essay about the American Dream that is communistic. There also is not one statement by Trumka that is untrue.

How to not throw up on ride?

im going to an amusement park today with my boyfriend and i want to go on all the rides, im scared ill get sick on the tilt-a-whirl and stuff. how do i not throw up? if i dont go on them my bf will think im a baby/chicken. and i really wanna go on them too!!

Washing Machine Repair Issue - 10 Points if you can help!?

Pull the machine out and take off the back plate so that you can check to see if the drive belt is still connected between motor and drum. It may well be that the belt has either come off or broken, either way it is a simple fix.

What does the bible say about meaning what you say?

Jesus says let your yes mean yes and your no no- Matthew 5:37. it means to speak and be truthful. not being fake or phony

Guys opinions? interested or not!!!?

So I met this guy a week ago, me him and two other close friends of mine hung out. We all hung out two days in a row that week, then the next week me him and his friend chilled again. I guess i spaced out and he's like i know what your thinking and then the next day I go on facebook and he chatted me first and we had a friendly conversation and he gave me his number & told me to text him, During the chat on facebook i was like guess what! he said you found out what i was thinking? so he was thinking something and wouldn't tell me what it was. he said "you'll find out one day" and then last night he texted me and i told him lets hang out so me him and a friend i was with hung out again and we had so much fun together and im just wondering if hes interested or not by whats been going on? hmmm...

ANY GUYS WANA ANSWER? -- is he happy?

I certainly don't think he's totally happy. While his life was harder with you it seems you both were happy (minus the bills). I'm not sure if it's shame or just anger in general that he doesn't reply. I was young once and did something similar to that and no I wasn't happy, just thought I would be. You'll have to decide if you want him back if he comes back at all and how to get him to work things out with you instead of fleeing the issues

Schlitterbahn at New Braunfels, Texas Dress Code?

Don't wear a t-shirt because it will get caught up on the slide and slow you down. Bikinis seem to be the most common form of attire for females so you won't look out of place.

OK so my neighbor invited me to a "Bible Study". What's that?

What happens at these "Bible Studies"? It sounds kind of strange but see she's really hot and I think she might swing both ways so I'm thinking of going just to get friendly with her but if it's all weirded out I dunno what do you think?

Should i move and start fresh.?

should i move to another state? I am wanting a fresh start I have lived in sydney be4 only 4 a very short time i had a bad experience there but want to move back start fresh and be in a more transsexual friendly eviorment as brisbane isnt so xx 20 year old

Am I legally allowed to beat up this dude?

It sounds like your under 18. You will obviously get in trouble from parents and teachers, but I'm pretty sure you won't be arrested. It would probably be better to have the fight in the school or something, as out of school makes it seem less like a fight and more like an attack. I'm not an expert though, so research it some more.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is this a good excerpt? thanks:)?

The next morning I woke up in the bathroom with an imprint of the floor tile on my face. I quickly got up and got ready for the day. I threw on the first thing my hands touched, a dull blue sweatshirt with some baseball team’s logo slapped on the front and a pair of old faded jeans. I tossed my hair into a sloppy bun and dabbed my eyes with eye liner. It would have to work, because today my appearance was the farthest thing from my mind. All I could think about was what today would be like. Obviously, the news would be whirling around school like a hive of bees just waiting to sting the next person with the latest news… the blabbermouth clerk from the drug store would have already told everyone she knew, and the rumors would travel from there. Of course, buying the test in the first place was just asking for publicity. In this town, anything is fair game for the rumor mills, especially a sixteen year old pregnancy.

Within mantras/chants is it the sound flow of them that gets your emotions in tune with celestial beings?

because when you meditate to them it seems like u become closer to something more. the noise to me also reminds me slightly of white noise which is very relaxing is that a naive comparison or is there any meaning to that?, this interests me greatly especially the ganesha mantra as i am hoping to remove obstacles in my life.

Is Twitter worth it or is it a waste?

I recently created my own twitter account to give it a whirl. And so far I cannot see the point in this. At all. I mean I can sorta see, talk to friends etc. But what do you think is the true reason for Twitter? Should I just keep it or discard it??

Poetry advice, help, criticism :]?

Hi. lovely poem, with strong feelings and emotions. i love your creative style, your words choices and topics is awesome. you have a vivid poetic persona. Good job keep it up.

Is it possible to survive India with the help of chanting of mantras.?

It is the views of most of the people that if chanting of mantras can give money,health,education,prosperity,why not it can save India fron corrupts.

It's only a matter of time before machines and robots overthrow us. What machine at home are you worried about?

If my blender and toaster learn to work together, I'm dead. Can you imagine a whirling mass of blades being launched across the room at my face when the toaster pops?

What causes a whirling sound as i accellerate or reving in my 6 cyl Nissan eng?

There is a service bulletin for that issue on 2002 and newer 3.5 liter 4.0 liter motors. The secondary timing chains and tension shoes are replaced to stop the whirring sound from the passengers side of the motor. Good Luck Your questions please include year and model and how many miles.

Why do people say what you put out to the universe you get back threefold?and that becareful if doing spells?

Karma is a rule from from Buddhism that somewhere along the way got mixed up into Wicca. Plenty of people do bad things, terrible things and they never suffer even a tenth of the pain they issued.

Friend problems but why is it making me so depressed?

She's jealous, mabey she wants to be like u, good grades, good friends etc. Ur mabey depressed because of her or sumthin

Any old traditional music?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What are some signs of a masculine man flirting?

Theres this really masculine guy whom I think is flirting with me all the time but I dont know if its just me. He seems to be always interested in what I have to say and like his attention iis fully focused on me when we talk. Also when I see him around school, he makes his way to come up to me and say Hi..btw I like him so what are some signs of flirting because I really cant tell..I suck at this lol Idk if hes just friendly or if hes gay! HELP! 10 pts best answer!

My bestfriends boyfriend says he likes me :S?

I don't know what to do, I only see him as a friend and that's all I ever have been to him, I would never do anything like that to my bestfriend or anything. But last night he says he likes me in that way. I dont know what to do, he says he still loves my bestfriend. But I just don't know what to do or say to him. It feels like I'm being suffocated by boys I don't like, I'm to friendly and find it hard to turn someone down or say no, I don't lead them on I just become distant hoping they get the picture. Can someone please help me learn how to be a more stronger person when it comes to these things?

Boyfriend trouble.. HELP PLEASE!?

You just have to sit down and have a nice talk with him.It's the only thing you can do. Ask him how he feels about her, how much he loves you, etc. But if one of you gets upset, you need to walk away or solve it together in a calm way. I hope everything goes well for you.

Looking for a Ranma fanfic?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who is a Hotter female?

I'm having a friendly debate with my friend. Who do you think is hotter? Megan Fox or Rosie Huntington-Whiteley?

Please answer! Small Dog Syndrome books!?

I sadly admit it... My 2 year old Pomeranian/yorkie mix has "small dog syndrome"): I KNOW it's my fault he is like this, and it is literally tearing my family apart. Tanner has always taken to me and my mom, and never really to my brother or dad. My dad travels during the week so he doesn't see tanner very often, but when he does tanner barks non stop at him, and is way to protective of me. He has not ever bitten anyone but I fear for that on the future. Tanner has gotten so bad that I stay in my room all the time because tanner will bark and nip at my dads heels if he gets up from watching tv. Tanner gets along with other dogs, but when the owners try to pet him ge barks and gets defensive over me. I want to stop this before it gets out of hand. And guys, I'm admitting I made him like this so no mean or rude comments! I want to know of any books that are specifically for my dog. I want to help him be happier and allow me to have friends over! It has gotten way out of hand.! I have all summer to work with him so please answer! Any books or tips welcomed! Ohh and to be a small dog he got potty trained VERY well. And he is a very cute and loving dog towards most people besides the ones I named. I really want to have a "new dog" that doesn't bark all the time and is friendly!!(: thanks!

Is this a good beginning for a book?

This was a great start! I saw some little typos but that of course probably wasn't your fault ;) anyways I did enjoy the beginning it even had pulled me in a bit. I think it's a great start and you should keep it up just make sure to proof read and keep adding detail. Try and engage the reader with the rest like you did me

Are you a fan of the "HEY! ... BOO! ... HEY! ... BOO!" chants when the wrestlers keep punching each other ?

That is the type of atmosphere that makes a match special, i love it when that happens, it shows that the croud is into the match


What woulg happen if I was facing a gym leader in a 2 on 2 tag team battle and used whirl wind would the pokemon blow away like facing a wild or not

Hotel/resort in texas, new mexico or arizona?

In San Antonio there is a nice resort called the JW Marriott San Antonio Texas Hill Country Resort&Spa. Also the Marriott San Antonio Riverwalk.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What are your favorite chants in the WWE?

This one was on RAW tonight, "LITTLE JIMMY! LITTLE JIMMY! LITTLE JIMMY!" It was to R truth

Break-up or not???????????????????????????…

been living with my bf for a little over two years. Honey moon phase has ended...I'm 30 he is 26 and his first time living with a girl. We fight at least weekly but we always love each other....i believe we have alot of issues, our fights have gotten pretty bad, both verbal and phyical on both our parts no one is really to blame. Anyway I KNOW we both love each other but we need help. I've felt like he has pulled himself away from the relationship and is not putting in the effort, he broke up with me last summer but then took it back and said we needed couseling. I was the one who set up the appointment and we went once. Seems like I was putting more effort in then him. We rarely have sex anymore and I just feel like it's over so I ended it. I am looking for a new place to live. He didn't seem to mind and hasn't made any attempt at "saving" the relationship so that shows me tht I'm doing the right thing I guess? I feel that if he wanted to put in the effort he wouldn't let me go. It's just hard right now, we are civil and friendly but sleeping in separate rooms. I just hope I'm making the right decision. Anyone out there have any advice or similar situation? When I've tried to talk about our "relationship issues" as of late he doesn't want too or seems not wanting to deal with it. I think I already know my answer, I was just wondering if I should be a last ditch effort or if it's beating a dead horse.

What explains the radical streak of Muslims in the UK?

Those guys aren't radicals, that's what islam is. If we had the number of muslims UK has they'd be doing it here too.

Who reads what we write? and what is that? a poem?

I can imagine of Zit lips. maybe it is herpes, a no good thing. But think of Zip lips. They close, zip and never open to place things in order. Zipped. Tightly closed. So, everything is similar to the next, situations, remarks, dignity, loss of dignity, pride, en slavery, intelligence, stupidity, beauty and ugliness, all become a Zipped lips deal, imagine nobody to accept just causes but always mumble of unjust behavior against his behalf. people are like that, they even invent unjustness upon them, but when it comes to criticize real unjustness in life, they say "come on, it never existed". Warriors in life are fighting for just causes. Peacefully bur firmly, faithfully, lovingly. Jason Button, champion of F1 racing.

How to chant for goddess of mercy? What to say? HOW?

I'm 18 years old this year, and I have a god (goddess of mercy) at home from a monk that gave my dad in the temple when my dad wants to buy it but instead the she gave us free. Anyway, so how to chant fir goddess of mercy? And which are the best timing? I am new to this, please help me!! THANKS :)

Friendly bet with my wife over old TV ahow?

I have a friendly bet with my wife. I know this probably sounds stupid, but she insists on that old TV show I dream of Jeannie, that Jeanie& Mjr Nelson NEVER got married. I say there was an epsiode somewhere in the last season, whee they did tie the knot. Who is right on this one?

8th Gym badge in soul silver?

I beat the gym leader and am in the cave on the lake but I cant get across the whirl pool to get to the dragon shine becuase I don't have here badge which i get at the dragon shine help please its confusing?

Dream about Deamons? Help!!!?

You are involved with friends who are leading you down the wrong path. You need to stand up for what you believe in instead of following the crowd because they will bring you down with them: even if you don't know what's going on.

What Does It Mean When A Boy Pretends Not to Notice You?

I have a secret crush on a boy I have never met before, but have seen around. Everyone waves to everyone here, so I wave to be friendly. But when I acknowledge his existence, he pretends not to notice and just look down or away. I know he has noticed me before. What does it mean? Usually people here are friendly when you wave to them. Even his younger brother is really nice to me, but he just pretends I'm not there. I don't know if I should even like him anymore. I've been starting to ignore him. What's his deal?

Phenomenon, can you answer a few questions about phenomenon?

Many of the strange things like ghost, spirits and just weird things that happen are consider to be paranormal phenomenon, because it's confusing and understood why it happens in the way they do. I know from all my experience fifty years of it, most all of it was confusing to me, and made me scare, but after many years and at times when it becomes heavy like almost every nights at times, you start to understand it, because one you have experience it all the time, and when you have a good teacher that is a spirit that you can communicated with you learn a lot, I in some way always know the paranormal was normal, perhaps because I thought it was growing up with it, in the spiritual world it is normal all paranormal phenomenons.....there is answers for everything, only the people whom experience it all the time know more because after awhile you ascertain what's what.

Should i tryout for the cheerleading squad? Please help me!!?

should i tryout for the cheerleading squad in high school? The high school that im going to is brooklyn tech. They said that trying out for the cheerling squad consists of learning jumps and kicks, a cheer and a chant.You will also be asked to create a dance or cheer routine (your choice to use music) that lasts four counts of 8. You will be learning material and Thursday will be the evaluations. You will be given an audition number and are encouraged to create a colorful and spirit-filled sign that displays your number for evaluations. What is an evaluation? I've never been in a cheerleading squad before, is it bad to be one in high school since I don't know any stunts or anything.I can't even do a split. :(. I also don't know how to make my own cheer routine. Whoever is a cheerleader, What was your tryout like? What did u have to do? What did you do?


Ok im watching my friends dog for a month or so but this dog is not really friendly to other people when he sees some one new he will try to Attack them the person will have to move really slow and sit down and talk to the dog before he stops barking and stuff but as soon as they stand up and walk away he trys to Attack he never tryed to Attack me he really like me but not other people he was hit by a car a few years ago and has never been the same BUT ONE BIG PROBLEM I HAVE is my uncle lives with me and every Time he sees him he trys to bite and attack i hold him back and tell him no but there no stoping the dog when he sees my uncle my uncle has tryed givin him treats and sitting down talkng to him but the dog doesent like him for some reason what do i do please help....

Leaving my cats with a friend for 3 months?

I left my cats at home and got this refillable food and water things from Walmart. and laid cat toys around the house and closed the blinds. also i put scented sticks by the litter box so it won't stink. have your friend check on them like once a week.

Not to swamp B&A, but care to critique?

The first paragraph is a bit cliche, and the whole entry is filled with over-description.We don't need to know EVERYTHING. Try and take out most of what has no impact on the narrattive. I mean, we really dn't need a whole page on a guy eating his breakfast, do we?

Who should these WWE people feud with in your opinion? BQ?

Personally I'd rather see Sin Cara and Rey feuding. Sin Cara keeps botching because no one can keep up with his moves, Rey is another high flyer that's pretty fast in the ropes. I'd like to see those go at it.

Why won't my Nissan Frontier start?

It must be your computer, try to disconnect the batterie and leave it disconnected for like ten to fifteen minutes and then if thats the problem it should start, I have an 06 nissan maxima and same crap hapens to me when people accidently hit the car, or it could be your starter

Could I visit Canada, and feel safe and welcome there?

I'm an American from Texas. I got a friend who is a Canadian American whom I worked with at a nursing home. I don't go around acting like I'm superior to anyone. I don't look at any race to be superior nor inferior to any. We're all human. My dad tells me that he's heard stories about American tourists, and vacationers in France. He tells me the reason these awful stories are because those individuals were acting like they're better in some way. You can't do that in any foreign country, because people will do the same back to you. My question is could I visit Canada sometime, would I feel welcome provided that I treat everyone with respect, and act like a normal gentleman, and a civilized human being? My dad stopped in Canada on a cruise once, and he said Canadian people were friendly.

So, how is this writing?

Your English teacher would probably give you an A for it. I'd give you a C - no technical mistakes, but you're trying too hard to sound "writerly". I'd cut everything between "Every revolution" and "his momentum pulled" and work on polishing what's left.

Can i get assistance moving to a lesbian friendly state?

I get alot of ridicule here in Michigan I want to move to a more lesbian friendly state. Me and my fiance have four kids with us it would be better for them the schools here give them alot of trouble and we get many funny looks laughs and comments. I need assistance. Moving.

Should I give this girl a gift?

You should send her a gift like earrings or something like that with a flower and a teddy bear. Write her a home-made letter saying that you love her and would do anything to make her your girlfriend. You are ADORABLE and you know how to write beautiful letters, so I do not see a reason why she is saying no, but keep trying. After you write the letter get a pretty box and put the flower, the earrings and the letter in the box, but DO NOT put the teddy bear in the box. Then wrap the box with gift wrapper and make a tag(From:Eric To: The love of my life). At night go to her house and put the box and the teddy bear by the box's side and knock the door real hard and they run and hide in a place you can see it all. Then in the morning ask her to go with you for a drink(you told us she already say yes) and talk to her about the gift. Ask her on another drink and tell her to be your Girlfriend. It will work every girl wants that to happen to them. Do not cheat on her. Hope you get her!

What should I switch for Lugia?

Switch with togetic...lugia learns similar moves n plus ur togetic doesn't have HM moves so u don't necessarily need him

I destroyed my life, should i suicide?

This is not trolling, please read, I'm miserable and need help!I love two girls from my college but Im too shy to tell or to know how to attract them, and at the beginning of this year I decided I must talk to them finally, I talk to one of them for long time she seemed to like me but refused to give her number although I know she gave it to other boys in the class, she is single, and was so friendly with me, I did my best to come closer to her and when I told her that I love her she said she doesn't and that she is not interested in this stuff, the other girl told me the same, it broke my heart and then I tried to forget about them and talked to a third girl, things were nice and we were getting along but and i was forgetting about the two almost completely, me and that girl started to know almost everything about each other, until when i told the third girl that I love her: she apologized and said she don't as well, and this ruined our long friendship, well not very long, something around 8 or 9 months, and at the end of the year I failed in five subjects in first term and failed in most subjects the second term, I also repeated the two last years, now you know why Im miserable, I cant make a relationship with any girl since 6 years in college and I also fail at studying, I dont know what to do, Im so useless in life, I cant accomplish anything, should i run wild in the forests with dogs or wolves or just shoot myself or jump of a very high cliff or sleep and wish I will wake up with a smarter character that can do at least one useful successful thing in life?

I need cheers and chants for my squad! Any suggestions?!?

I am a new captain and need some help finding cheers and chants! If you give me words i can make up motions! thank you!

Is 1000 calories too much to burn everyday?

Note I'm 5'11" and weigh 210 pounds I'm trying to get to 170-180 by the end of summer I already lost 40 pounds. I'm whirl by the way

How can I check if my site is SEO friendly?

If your website is SEO friendly it means that you are on page one of the search results pages. Most surfers look no further than page two of the results pages because more often their need are already satisfied with the results on the first two search pages.

Best dog shock collar for 16.5lb hunting, overly-friendly dog?

I have used the Dogtra 1900NCP as well on my neurotic foster Border Collie (As well as multiple other dogs - Both large and small) - It's an effective and long lasting collar, it's definitely worth the price. I highly recommend it.

Awful computer noise?

You're almost certainly right that it's a fan. See if you can isolate which fan (CPU, power supply, case fan or graphics card) and you'll know how easy or difficult the replacement will be. Many fans (including the one on my current laptop) start out very noisy then quiet down significantly after the internal lubrication gets distributed. That's more annoying than a major problem, at least until the fan gives up completely.

Does this make sense or nonsense?

I personally think that 'entity' would be your best shot seeing how 'beem me up scotty' is kind of already taken and ...way out dated. As far as sensical...I don't really think that's the major point in a soul seeking adventure such as poetry...? But as you state yourself as 'man'... and man 'needs' to be sensefull...I guess your just gonna have to judge that yerself:)

Regarding Brahmahati dosha....?

Of course. You are right. You are performing the Brahma karma ( Which Brahmans are expected to do) so you are Brahman by way of karma. And if anybody tortures you will be sinning and face the Brahma httya patak ( sin for Killing brahman)

Why Does He Treat Me Like This? 10 Points?

Well it seems like he's trying to get close to u, to get u in bed and once he's done with u he won't care so much about making u jealous :/

What is this black metal music video?

Did it he have some sort of awkward horns on his head? It was probably something by Dimmu Borgir, but You're going to have to be a bit more specific.

Best Middle Ground Law Schools?

Texas Southern is one of the truly worst law schools in America. The good news is you will be able to get in there, bad news is its terrible. It regularly ranks in the bottom, and it would rank dead last but most of those rankings give it points for ethnic diversity. However, purely on academics its the worst. Texas Southern is not an in between law school, its the bottom of the barrel law school. Which is why their median LSAT score is 144. The almost lost their accreditation a few years ago.

I want to know if this girl at work likes me. i like her but i don't know if she is being friendly?

I work at an ice cream store in and I was the one that trained her it was just me and her working that day and we got talking about a lot of things like our favourite music which we both have in common and then we joked around a bit and that’s when I found out she had a boyfriend. She wanted to check out my i pod and was surprised at all the good songs I listened to like from the Beatles then she starting saying that yah i was looking through my boyfriends most played songs and a few of them were miley cyrus i think he is gay and we had a few laughs. then we talked about trips we had recently been on and she told me she had went to California as a birthday gift from her dad last winter and then things got personal when she talked about when her parents got divorced so i sort of changed the subject and told some stories I wasn't trying to be funny but she would laugh and smile anyways and then it got busy so we didn’t talk much just exchange short comments and smiles and awkward silence that was broken by a joke from her and occasionally me. The day was made even better when we were closing down and she said thank you for today. I have trained a few girls one being her cousin and not once has anyone said that. Now whenever she sees me even when she is with friends or her boyfriend she comes over and says hello and asks how I am doing. Is she just being polite and friendly or is she showing she likes me? Oh one time she showed up to work when she wasn’t scheduled to ask me a few questions about work but she was supposed to come when the weather was good and it was busy so i could give her examples but it was rainy and miserable and she still showed up and a hilarious thing happened i slipped in the mud and was covered and she saw i cut my thumb and few other things and she offered to work that day but i told her i was fine but i kind of regret saying so but that day led to some funny stories in the workplace

Friday, July 15, 2011

What does the bible say about meaning what you say?

Jesus says let your yes mean yes and your no no- Matthew 5:37. it means to speak and be truthful. not being fake or phony

Should I get offended if firefighters honk at my girlfriend?

i would take it as a compliment because you're the one who has the extremely beautiful girlfriend. and i would have used the line "lucky me"

Longboards in Whirling Dervish Video?

Listen to the video the guy on the left is riding a flex 2 so that means that the flex 2 most likely is going to have the same design the video is old so maybe they changed the graphics since then same thing goes for the dude on the right!

Physics centripetal acceleration?

A stone whirled on a string experiences a centripetal acceleration of 10 m/sec^2. If the string were shortened to half its length (one-half the radius) and the speed were doubled, calculate the centripetal acceleration.

B&A: How do you separate your good ideas from your bad ones?

I suggest you list all of your ideas down then think about them, like how would that turn of event affect Iggy. Try to think of the outcome and the possible ending to the story on each idea. Choose whatever appeals to you and on how you would like the story to end. :)

What does God NOT hate?

The fallacy of your argument is based in the fact that "fundamentalists" do not equal God. He doesn't hate you (or me), just our sin. You're on a bad path, and He's giving you every chance to avoid it, but it is your decision in the end. The clowns who pretend THEY can condemn you to Hell are as poor representatives of Christianity as Stalin was of Atheism.

Does anyone know any Black Metal bands that use overtone/throat singing?

I'm not talking about the harsh vocals, I mean those deep chanting vocals where different pitches are created at the same time.

Would You rather play in a traditional or conservative home stadiums ?

Traditional- I'm there to support my country/favorite team that's playing I want to GO APESH*T on the game Chanting and screaming having my freaking trompeta going on fullblast but I wouldn't mind conservative one either depends on how I'm feeling but 9 times out of 10 I'll rather have a traditional stadium

Is this loose dog deaf?

Today I heard my two dogs barking so I went to see what they were barking at. There was a loose dog in my yard so I went out to see if I could catch it. It started running away towards the road so I ran as fast as I could to get ahead of it to scare it back towards the woods because I live on a busy road. My plan worked and it ran to the side of my house and started sniffing something with its back turned to me. I walked towards it and was clapping and talking to it so it would know I was there. I got really close and it turned around, barked at me and ran away. I think it was friendly but I couldn't really tell. It's bark was not a mean bark. I figured that if I saw it again I would just make sure it didn't go into the road. But my question is do you think it was deaf? It acted like I silently walked up behind it and tried to scare it. It was kind of funny but odd at the same time.

Family in Portland, OR, Vancouver, WA area?

After 3 years of considering a cross country move, we are moving in 1 year. What is a good, family friendly, affordable neighborhood to rent for a year between Portland and Vancouver? We have decided to rent for a year while we decide our exact area but do not want to live in a scary neighborhood just to save money for a year.

Is it possible to toughen our throat?If do how?

Last Sunday, i sparred my senior in a boxing friendly match i punch his throat simultaneously 3 times(jab-jab-cross)yet i felt he didn't seem to be injured because he only stepped back a while then engage me again like he felt nothing. HOW IS this possible? Isn't throat one of our weakspot? Please share opinion and insight thanks!!!

I have a constant whirling sound coming from my front end that lessens as I speed up? I have a 01 Chevy?

Cavalier. I have changed one wheel hub assembly, passenger side axle, and the brakes on both sides. It really just sounds like something is touching the wheels as they spin, but I'm also thinking it could be something more serious because I have a popping sound when I turn left.

What's it like in America?

In Florida the people are really really nice. Its beautiful here, i think. You can do so many things.

Fresh meals for my 2 year old?

my daughter is 2 and loves macaroni cheese so im going to give making y own fresh for her a whirl , can anyone help me on letting me know how long i can freeze it for and microwave times for heating it up .. has anyone got any nice meals i can make her and freeze


MY GARDEN GNOMES HAVE FORMED AN ARMY!! They are outside right now in about 20 lines, all of them chanting "Get the Unicorn". IM SCARED!!! THEY WANT TO STEAL MY UNICORN!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!

How to chant to lord chijoklmaikas?

why dont u guys ever answer me! I posted this to see howmany answers i would get bc normally i get none! Why dont u guys ever answer my questions!

I've just started washing my face every day....why does my skin burn?

There are a few different dove soaps that are unscented if you are not already then trying using the one for sensitive skin! Or it may be your shaving cream or lack there of I have a shaving cream recommendation although many guys refuse to use it bc of the type of shaving cream it is and it's name and packaging it works wounders my friends ex-husband used it all the time it is called coochy it is sold by a company called pure romance you can get it off of there site at or even off of it works great! Also try putting on a scentless/sensitive skin lotion in a small portion on your face! I hope I helped and good luck!

Does anyone know the the Buddhist chant?

There is not just one Buddhist chant. I am a Theravada Buddhist in Western Australia and we chant in English and Pali(An Indian Language). I have it on cd. It takes about 20 minutes. I have not learnt it all yet.

Could I possibly Be Bipolar?

Oh honey, you are seriously stressed. I do not know if you are bipolar or not as I am not qualified to decide such things but all this sounds really sad. And yeah, from what I know about bipolar, it seems like you could be (the cycles of high and low, extreme energy followed by extreme sluggishness, hyperactivity, depression etc). You need to seek professional help. Won't your mother make an appointment for you? Maybe you need medications. A doctor will be able to do an accurate diagnosis and prescribe them for you if needed. And yes, you are right, it doesn't get more extreme than attempting suicide, not once or twice but thrice. You are very young, you shouldn't have to go through so many negative emotions. You should be out there enjoying yourself, concentrating on your studies, planning for future, going on know just having fun. I think your childhood and all the changes have had an effect on you and going by what your mom said, some of it could be hereditary as well. I think its high time you seek help and get yourself sorted. The world is not such a bad place and it is worth living, you know. I noticed that you are very clearly aware of all the things that have happened, your reactions to those and you are able to talk about them clearly. This is a good sign. Acknowledgement is the first step towards feeling better. You will be able to feel better if you talk to people who understand and get the help you need. And noone is going to think you are seeking attention...i mean come on, this is so sad :(....You need to take care of yourself

Why does this alleged-diabetic-friendly recipe have brown sugar in it?

oh my goodness.. diabetics can eat freaking sugar!!! they just have to take medication. gosh. why does everyone think were like "allergic" to sugar or something. its virtually impossible not to have any sugar. sugar is in everything. you need sugar to live

Lets see how many "Lets Go Cena" and "Cena Sucks" chants we can get! +BQ?

BQ: Do you wish something like this would not be scripted and happen to John Cena? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a (Skip to 0:16)


Ok im watching my friends dog for a month or so but this dog is not really friendly to other people when he sees some one new he will try to Attack them the person will have to move really slow and sit down and talk to the dog before he stops barking and stuff but as soon as they stand up and walk away he trys to Attack he never tryed to Attack me he really like me but not other people he was hit by a car a few years ago and has never been the same BUT ONE BIG PROBLEM I HAVE is my uncle lives with me and every Time he sees him he trys to bite and attack i hold him back and tell him no but there no stoping the dog when he sees my uncle my uncle has tryed givin him treats and sitting down talkng to him but the dog doesent like him for some reason what do i do please help....

What's the name of this rap song?

Okay so i know two lines from the song and ive looked everywhere for it. It's like "Maybe i'm a big wide whirl wind" Something about barack obama and then "say you'll stop me but you will not" i think its by haystack too. Thanx bays.

What is the best dog for a person in the military?

I would LOVE to have a dog to run with and have a companion, but I may be deployed or have training that can last to 4-6 weeks. Which dog would have enough energy to keep me going while also being friendly enough for someone to watch while I'm gone?

Physics question.. Circular Motion, Centripetal Force?

A stone with mass of 3 kg is attached to a string and whirled in a VERTICAL circle with a 1.5 meter radius. The string can withstand a maximum tension of 155 N before breaking. Find the maximum velocity the stone can be rotated without breaking the string.

Reasons A Boy Pretends Not to Notice/Ignore You (If you feel like reading?)?

usually when someone has a crush on someone they may get shy and look away, at least thats how I act when I like someone, especially someone i dont know too well. It seems that he admires you from afar. He probably is attracted to you. But if he refuses to give you the time of day when you made the effort to awknowledge him, just give up on him. If he really wants to pursue you he will make an effort. Just cuz that guy may have a little crush on you doesnt mean you have to like him back. There are plenty other fish in the sea, maybe it just wasnt meant to work out with this guy.

Are worship and prayer the same as hypnosis?

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one

First time raising turkeys?

Ive been through multiple flocks of chickens and have gotten the process of raising them down pretty well. Lost a couple flocks due to bad latches on an old coop and a hungry fox but we have since built a new coop and no problems so far. I recently got 6 baby chickens to replace my old hens who have stopped laying and will replace them as they die off to keep our flock around 15. The babies recently went outside and now I have room for my turkeys which I just picked up this morning. I only got 2 as I dont want to overcrowd my back yard, and we were considering using them as thanksgiving dinner but now im not too sure if they will be ready by then if they are 3 days old today? They are white ones i forget the name of the breed. I currently have them in my basement with a heat lamp and food and water. I was just curious if turkeys bond with humans? I had one rooster who followed me like a dog but I have never had another quite like him. I would enjoy friendly turkeys but then Im not sure i could bring myself to eat them! I also want to check and make sure it would be ok to keep them in with my chickens and goats when they get big enough to go outside. Their pasture is maybe 200x100 feet. Just looking for some tips. Im not worried but i would like to know

What is your favorite WWE/F chant?

I've only watched wrestling since like 2007, but I loved when the crowd chanted "shut the f*ck up" to Dolph Ziggler! Its on Youtube if you'd like to listen to it! It wasn't too long ago either; and I'm pretty sure they were in Canada and Canada always has a great crowd!

What do you think about my poem?

Good but little too long, when I write music I try to make it so the person who hears it can relate to it.. But its okay its just my opinion my music probably sucks lol but yeah just keep writing =]

Help looking for a cd i think its germanic its goth folk?

its a double cd albulm a firend had he picked it up when he was in the navy it was called something like dycriticon or crypticon or something of that ilk, all germanic sounding gothic music with horns and monks chants and what not.. i know its pretty vague but hey if ye can help please do!

Machines will ultimately revolt and try to overthrow us. What machine in your house are you most afraid of?

If my blender and toaster learn to work together, I'm dead. Can you imagine a whirling mass of blades being launched across the room at my face when the toaster pops?

Ladies, if I was the last man on earth, would you date me?

I'm 19. In college. I work. I have a vehicle. I'm very friendly & loving. But I'm inexperienced. Look at it this way; you get to have a boyfriend who has never been with another woman. That doesn't happen very often. Here is a photo of me. The only recent one I could find. I know my eyebrows & hairstyle need fixing. Thank you for answering

Do men ever want to be friends with females or do they always want more?

It all depends on the guy. a sensitive all around nice guy will most definatly want to be friends before any kind of intimacy or dating. But it really sounds like he is interested.

I'm seriously crying :'( did I screw everything up?Did I miss my blessing?

BREAK UP WITH HIM high school is filled with three grades more grades of new guys. You WILL meet someone new, that will call you beautiful, and will not even look at other girls.

Mexican fans outnumber USA fans and the USA was booed -- are you proud of what you've created, Americans?

viva mexico amnesty for all illegals open borders forever.........that rose bowl must have been something to see and hear this year.......baron

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I need cheer ideas, so i can tryout.?

practice jumps and tight body. make up your own cheer you espect to get on the team with some cheer some one else made up ?

Was The Big O in building last week on raw?

I was at RAW this past week, adn Ryder had a "dark match" before RAW. this was the taping of Superstars. WWE should have let Ryder get on RAW, we were in HIS HOMETOWN L.I. I think it was just mean of him not to get to compete on RAW. He did, however get to cut a short promo before his match, and all of the fans, including me, went absolutely crazy.

Do you think prayers an chanting of mantras refrain your mind and boost you for positive thinking?

It depends on how the prayers/mantras are chanted. If these are pronounced correctly, it does help in improving positive energy in the room and brings positive changes in the person hearing them.

Is Dennis Port Cape Cod a good place to vacation with small children?

I'm looking into a Cape Cod vacation, and have gotten great tips thanks to yahoo answers. I found a great hotel in Dennis Port. Since I don't know a thing about this area I'd like to know if this is a good location for young kids (2 and 6 year old). I really want to be near a warm, calm beach with few waves (more like a bay) so my kids can swim safely. Does Dennis Port suit my needs? If not can anyone tell me the names of other towns in cape Cod where the water is warm and calm, and are also family friendly? Thanks!!!

Why do people think that all Christians are anti-GLBT?

They are not, I just think some guys in church are very homophobic cause they are secretly bi or gay. They are living a lie and want others to hate homosexuals so they run churches saying god hates gays cause of there own insecurity's My church even makes fun of the westbro church and had a gay pride event.

My crush have a crush on our teacher?

I like a boy in my class. We are friends. I bet he knew that I had a crush on him. He didn't’t have any girl friend- as far to my concern. So it is cool there, but lately there was something happening, and I am getting green-eyed over it. He is getting kinda close and cozy with our class teacher. Eww, rite? I don’t know, but I don’t feel good every time I see him talking and getting all friendly with her. She is kinda young for a teacher, I don’t know for sure- but I guess she is in her mid 20-s. Before this, I don’t hold any grunt or hate towards our teacher, so does now. But I just feel sad and all jealous. This teacher is kinda attractive even though she is quite chubby, she is popular amongst the students, friendly, and has many students’ fans. Emm. Back to the story, does my crush have a crush on our teacher. He always tried to be close to her and sit beside her whenever the other students surrounded the teacher. And today, the teacher is wearing a new ring. So everyone is curious either the teacher is getting engaged with someone or not- and secretly I wish she did. And another not a so good news to me- she wasn't’t, it just she just found the ring while she was doing the house keeping. And some of the girls and the boys asked her permission to try on the ring, as always she didn't’t mind. So, the last person getting the hold of the ring was my crush, and suddenly the teacher teased me and asked the boy to put the ring on my finger, but he didn't’t have any respond towards the teacher’s words. It seemed like he didn't’t hear it at all. And the worst thing, I noticed how he looked at the teacher while the teacher was looking to me, (some of the other students were there and some were just chit chatting with each other- as the teacher just entered the class to release for the other teacher who was late to the class), and out of nowhere- my crush asked the teacher permission to put the ring on her finger, the teacher was hesitating(to my eyes) but as she was miss-so-friendly and all that, she finally gave up and let him to place the ring back on her finger. Oh my gosh, I am so jealous towards her. I know I shouldn't’t. But I couldn't’t help it. My questions are: does my crush have a crush on our teacher. 2. How could I get rid of my jealousy towards the teacher, I like her but in the same time I kinda starting to hate her.

Is he just being friendly?

we work together,and he always smiles at me like a huge smile, which makes me smile. but i mean like all the time even from across the room i catch him looking at me alot. we had a good conversation, and hes always getting me to do special jobs for seems like he goes out of his way to bump into me. hes a genuanly nice guy, his personality is AMAZING. and hes so nice. he does talk to me alot, and does silly thing towards me. but i mean i get this from alot of guys and i really dont want to take it the wrong way. is he just being himself, or is he flirtig? i've been told i could be a model so im kinda pretty. (not being up myself, coz i dont actually see it thanks anyway

What do you think of the beginning of my story?

I completely disagree about giving your age. Writing changes with time. I wanted to tell you that you have an enormous writing talent. I am 55 years old, yet your story kept my attention. It made me wish I could read more of it. I do not agree with all criticisms in the one letter. That person should be reading your story on YOUR level. I knew the moment I read it, that you have a very promising future. My criticism would be your use of the word "terror" so soon in your story. Terror is a very strong word. I thought she was sitting in a tree to escape some horrible, menacing creature on the ground. If she is terrified that she will never escape her life of poverty and drudgery, that word could be used much later... perhaps as a response to a nightmare. I believe I am well-qualified to critique your story. You'd be surprised... Please don't stop. Be very careful about putting your writing on here and asking opinions. We writers are very sensitive, and the other letter can crush the life out of a young and promising writer. I know from whence I speak. I am forced to write to you from my phone, or I would say more. For your age, you have displayed a brilliant ability to write. Congratulations and keep at it. Pay close attention in your English classes. You are going to get better and better. I promise.

If you were to go to a WWE event (or any wrestling event), what chant would you try to start ?

i was at a smack down house show before in 2006 in dublin and i started a regal sucks chant and he responded by grabbing the mic and saying that he doesn't because he is not irish

Would you take up this offer?

They probably wanna see how you act around their sons. I wouldn't do it. They could all be killers for all you know who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Go with a friend if you wanna go and stick with your friend at all times. Watch your back. God bless.

Is French going to be hard for me in High School?

It all depends on the teacher. I had 2. The first one never made us do anything and I had an A all year.. Her replacement had most of the class failing and made us work extremely hard. Just relax. Pay attention from the start, and remember what you learn. You usually build off what youve previously learned a little bit each day. Idk if Latin will help you. Just do all the work and try really hard and you can't go wrong(:

How do I start planning a Cape Cod vacation?

I'd like to visit Cape Cod this Summer. I will be with my two young children (ages 2, 6), and my husband. I've never been there. Can anyone recommend any lodging, restaurants, activities that are family friendly and won't break the bank? Also, are there any specific towns that you recommend? Thanks!!!

Ladies, what do you think of men that give you heads nods when you greet them or ignore your smiles?

My job combined with my home life and college creates lots of stress and anxiety for me, I have constant stimuli, excitement, and commotion coming at me from all angles. I am naturally more of an introverted shy person and rarely get to have peace. I still live at home and also have other brothers and sisters, I have my own space but there is constant noise and commotion. The only real time when I'm am able to get away from the madness is when I am outside of that realm Since I have no peace I make my own peace, I recede into myself and kind of live in my own little world. At school and work I am very quiet and dont talk much and kind of have a straight to the point no nonsense type of attitude. I am not a bad looking guy and I get approached by women all of the time I get smiles and greetings, but alot of the times I dont feel like talking or getting in long drawn out conversation beacuse of all thats going on in my life. I dont really like small talking and I dont feel like deciphering the jokes or sarcasm that is associated with the flirting. I also tend to keep a plain face, I work at a hospital so that makes it even worse. A women will approach me very happily with a big smile and say " Hello" I will reply with a simple hello, Hi, or headnod, they stand and look and look sad sometimes like I crushed them or they look offended like they expected someting more. It makes me feel bad sometimes, and I think why did I just do that her she was probably a nice and sincere person, my brain is racing so much at times it seems like a natural reflex to deflect people. Its hard some times because I know I miss out on alot of romantic oppurtunities and alot of women probably think I'm a jerk, but I cant help it. The hospital I work at is also a hostile and rude enviroment, and since I encounter so much rudeness and disrespect I think, why is this person just now coming out and being nice when everyone else is mean. Its all a big whirling pool of confusion. I also think alot of it has to do with my appearance, I'm tall brownish complexion about 6'2" 230 and I have an unfortunate baby face, long eyelashes big eyes, full lips and very soft features the way I feel inside doesn't really show on the outside, and I have a very soft and friendly appearance. I also tend to ignore them, but not intentionally. I am not gay or anything and I love women. Just wanted thoughts and insights mainly from women, but guys can answer as well.

How do you like my story?

It's very wonderful! I would read that book. I love reading and writing ^_^ Only one improvement, and it's really a small thing. When it says "He had olive skin, and auburn hair, and emerald eyes" it would be correct, and sound much better if it said "He had olive skin, and auburn hair, accompanied by striking emerald eyes." Other than that, love it!

I'm clueless when it comes to girls?

I'm 18, and fairly good looking from what I've been told. I catch girls glancing at me a lot but don't know how to act on it. And I think one night I walked away from a girl who was interested because I thought she was just being friendly. What do I do?

Overly friendly or does he like me?

Theres this boy at school who I used to like, and from that we became really close friends. But recently he's started to pay more attention to me, and I've noticed he's flirty towards me. He always compliments me, and sometimes he says "haha joking" and then does this flirty smile. For example the other day he said "theres only one girl in the school that I would go out with, and that's you" then he said the joking thing, with the smile. Another thing I have noticed is that he likes to touch my hair, and hands etc. I'm really confused, and I don't know if this means he likes me?

Bios hangs after recognising hdd why?

After the hdd (Western Dig) is recognised, bios hangs. It was running XP Pro. Tried hooking hdd up to another computer running win 7 but in 'computer manager' nothing loads it just hangs at, 'connecting to virtual disks' and in 'device manager' again it's recognised but it won't populate. In 'computer' I click on it and all that happens is the round circle just keeps whirling but nothing opens. Why and how do I fix this?

Please helpp guy problems?

Okay well i really like this guy hes a junior and im a sophmore in high school. Hes sooo nice cause he was i my artclass and he soo cute and funny and sweet but the thing is he shy and so hes not that friendly but neither am i so thats why i havent talked to him much...and now thats its summer i never see him cause hes in a different group of friends but i reallly wanna get to know him and see him...hes never on facebook so that sucks. I dont really see him alot maybe once in a while but any ideas on how i can br friends with him i think i love himm (not on a creepy way) but i reallly like him please help???

Why Do Same Sex Marriage fans Ignore the Academic arguments of Arkes, Kurtz etc and drone on about religion?

Because conservatives don't present the academic arguments of Arkes, Kurtz etc, they just drone on about how its ruining the sanctity of marriage, and they call it wrong with no justification backing their claims.

Is the The Melting Pot a gay-friendly restaurant?

For my boyfriend's birthday I am planning to take him to The Melting Pot in Destin, FL. I was wondering if this restaurant as a chain tends to be gay-friendly? I have reserved a private dining room, roses, balloons, teddy bear, and a photo of us as part of one of their package deals. It will be, without a doubt, obvious that we are gay to the wait staff, and I think the private room will make my boyfriend be more at ease instead of in the main dining area.

Why has he changed so much ?

ive been friends with a guy 3 years and really like him. ive helped him with work exams, financial problems and lately hes turned on me. before he was very friendly around colleagues but now blanks me a lot and is quite cool towards me. he also knows i like him and manipulates me as in makes me call him and chase him if you like. why has he turned like this and how can i regain my self confidence and show he doesnt bother me even though it does please help

Is this a good beginning paragraph for a story? Why/Why not?

It's good. Captures the interest and is descriptive. Just fix up the grammar and punctuation and with a few tweaks, it'd be better.

Is it bad that some guy pinched my butt and I liked it?

Okay, so I have a bubble butt. It's really big, it's round, and my friends comment on it a lot. A little while ago I was walking through a crowded hallway, and as I was moving through a throng of people I felt someone grab a big handful of my butt and give it a squeeze. I let out an "Ooh!" but when I whirled around there were just a bunch of people walking by and I couldn't tell who did it. The odd thing was, it wasn't annoying, it actually felt pretty good. It was sort of a pleasant surprise that felt nice and put a spring in my step. For the rest of the day I felt more attractive and self-confident. Does this make me a slut?

Any boat/barge suggestions? (NYC)?

Hi, I am planning a birthday party and I want to keep my overall budget under $2000. Out of that I'd like to get some suggestions for quality and budget friendly yacht/boat/barge charter services in the great NYC; hopefully one that sails on the Brooklyn/Queens side.

Atheists: God appears to me, doesn't appear to you...?

How do you make yourself believe something? For me, my brain interprets all available facts automatically and gives me an answer. There is no way for me to control this process or force myself to believe something that my brain doesn't believe.

How can I get her to look at me different?

I really like this girl who does modeling and the problem is I feel I can't try tell her she beautiful and stuff. That I find her smart, friendly and really thoughtful, but the problem is I don't won't looking at me like another guy. I want to be the one who seems different. Cause I really do care about her.

The new Pestilence Album, DOCTRINE?

I just listened to the first link and its a lot better than I expected. After Testimony Of The Ancients I really didn't think they were that good. That's been happening a lot with me. I though Relentless Retribution was going to be crap but its freakin awesome.

Guys what would you do if....?

a girl you met once texted you out of the blue a month after you met her? You didn't have a chance to give her your number, you knew she had a bf and looked hapy with him yet she flirted and seemed in to you and you hit it off with her. When she texted you you really hoped it was her when you didn't recognize the number...and you tell her to "let's give it a whirl". Would you think she is needy or crazy or playing games with you?? You also ask her what she thinks of when she thinks of you...and she answered..walks, talks and looks like her kind of man...

Is it too early to test?

On the 7th of June I had unprotected sex with my bf, my period is usually here by the 23rd of every month, somewhere around there. It's the 30th and my period hasn't come yet. This would be my 4th pregnancy with 1 living daughter who is 2 1/2 years old.. I'm trying to test and not get a negative when it may be a positive. On Monday of this week I bought one of those $1 hpt and it was negative so I think maybe it was just too early. Lookin for some friendly advice to ease my mind...

I'm seriously crying :'( did I screw everything up?Did I miss my blessing?

BREAK UP WITH HIM high school is filled with three grades more grades of new guys. You WILL meet someone new, that will call you beautiful, and will not even look at other girls.

1992 Honda Civic DX whirling/chirping noise around belt and pulleys?

it could be a glazed belt that is slipping or a pulley that is failing. you could pull the belts of and spin all of the pulleys aside from the crank and see if any are not smooth or feel a drag. that should be the failed item.

What is a good cheer/chant with the number five?

I am an Orientation Leader for Virginia Tech this summer, and my group number is five. Each year we come up with little chants/cheers, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good ones. They're not supposed to be super long, just short and sweet things like "Group five, best alive" kind of stuff. It doesn't have to rhyme, so what good stuff do you all have?

Am i a bad person to be friend with?

Well, I'm not going to read all that. But, if you're questioning yourself, you probably are a bad person to be friends with.

In love with my cousin?

If she is not blood related then I don't think it matters 2 much, but if she is I would avoid it. Sounds like u care alot for this girl :)

How do many of you feel when you hear fans of the other team starting chants in your team's Stadium?

It can't happen in Fenway, because all games are sold out. I have a different view from you, because I have been one of those chanters in Joe Robbie Stadium (or whatever its name is this week), Angel Stadium, Petco Park, among others. If 1,500 Red Sox fans can out shout 10,000 Ray fans in Tampa or 40,000 Angel fans in Anaheim, so be it. In my personal experience, Red Sox fans are loud and spirited and the fans of some other teams are comatose.

Where can i find Whirl Brand Jeans?

I have this pair of skinny jeans that i love and on the tag it says whirl but im not sure where to find them

What's the purpose of lipliner?

Lip liner is used to make your lips fuller when you outline them and use the SAME COLOR lipstick. You can also use a lipliner All over your lips without a lipstick. Lipsticks shoul do the job with coloring your lips without neutralizing the lip efore hand.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do you deal with being excluded at work?

I am 18 almost 19 and the youngest at work- everyone else is 21-28. Everyone is friendly enough towards me but I am always the last to know that someone ordered pizza and I always here about parties everyone goes to as a group but I never get invited. Everyone always tells me its because they older they have different social circles and has nothing to do with me. My best friend is probably 51 she is telling me this while we get our nails done together. All of my friends are like 38 and up. Can you say different social circles???? So why is it that I can make friends with anyone around my parents age but nobody my age!! I mean as far as being friends with older people we call/text, we go out for dinner, we get our nails done etc. and I can tell them anything! But I feel like such a misfit at work...

Im trying to recover my xbox live account and...?

So, as the title says, Im trying to recover my xbox live account. Recently, I was at a friends, and recovered it there. Now that im back, ive tried to go to my profile and it says its an Invalid membership and wont let me on. I tried to go to recover account, and it says checking connection, and then Downloading updates. Please Wait. I can't get past downloading updates because after 2 or 3 minutes of the little circle in the middle whirling around, it goes to a screen where it says there was a problem downloading an update. Please try again later. I don't know if its just me being aggravated or what, but ive tried this many of times now and it still says the same thing. Any suggestions?

Football student section ideas?

I am in charge of my schools "falcons nest" the student section at football games. We do chants, face-paint, rally towels, and other typical student section activities. We do want to make it crazy so any ideas? also ways ti get people in it! our football team isn't very good but a lot of people go to the games. thanks.

Is my external hardrive broken?

This morning I plugged it into my laptop and the laptop recognised it. As soon as I started moving files from the laptop to the hard drive, the hard drive startijng a beeping, whirling noise and nothing will download. Indeed the laptop fails to recognise the hard drive now. I have tried plugging it into my PC, but again the PC refuses tyo acknowledge the prescence of the external hard drive. Any idea of what to do? If it is broken, can the data already on the external hard drive be recovered?

I'm looking for a free, user friendly website where I can design my dream home.?

I'm talking about designing a real home not a virtual online gaming one. I want it to design floor plans but also be able to show me the 3D version of it as well.

Why are people rude to random other people for no reason?

Aw. And yes you're right, sometimes people are just RUDE. It could be for attention. Maybe they are stressed & insecure and need people to take it out on. I'm sorry that you're having a bad day :/ but don't let ignorant people ruin it. That's why when you find nice friends, it's important to hold on to them, because there are so many rude people in the world. Don't let it get to you, their attitude is their problemo!

Feedback on my writing?

You have a lot of grammar mistakes. One that I can point out is that you have to remember that there should always be a comma after and before you say a person's name. But you have good potential and I'm sure you will improve on those little things.

Need guy advice please!! i like my best friend but i dont know if he likes me :/?

Ok, so i really like this boy who is basically my best guy frend. We row crew together so we spend so much time together, which is great because if he did like me, i know he would like me for me because he has seen me look like **** before and stuff and i can really be myself around him. Crew is over now so we dont see eachother a lot but we text alll day and he kinda says flirty things, but i cant tell if he is being serious or just friendly and joking. Like one time he came over, just him and we just hung out and watched a movie and during the movie we weere sitting real close under the same blanket and stuff but he didnt put his arm around me or anything... I dont really know how to explain this very well but i just wana know if it sounds like he likes me. also if i should like him or not because part of me feels like i shouldnt get into all this because its gunna end badly, like we wont be best friends anymore or it will end up awkward and i dont want that at all.

Where can you buy a tilt a whirl car, or a bumper car?

They don't need to be in working condition. I would just like it for the looks, thanks if you can help.

Why is primeval whirl closed?

It is temporarily closed due to refurbishment. It was supposed to be ready to open in April, but the date moved back to June 2.

Why do the things little kids say not matter?

I have a little brother that is 9 years old, and he is always calling me fat, gay, retarded, and how much he hates me, even though I'm none of those. He also tries to make mean "jokes" on me, but he is really bad at it. He is also always trying to wrestle with me, and when I decide I will, I always make him hurt himself (which I find hilarious because his scream sounds like a little girl) but he always wants to do it again the next day, and saying these mean things are getting a little annoying, so I get my dad to take him away, because I don't feel like dealing with him. I stop talking to him for awhile, and tries to be all friendly but I still try to ignore him. He always thinks I'm not ignoring him anymore if I'm laughing or having fun (mostly with my older brother, who I never have a problem) just like last night, him, me and my older brother were playing an old Namco game called Rolling Thunder, and we saw 3 cougers jump into lava, and we laughed alot, and when I laugh, he thinks I'm being his friend. Just earlier before everyone woke up, I was awake looking at my messages on my phone, because KJB (542542) keeps texting me this annoying dieters message, and my little brother was STALKING ME in my BED and thought I was on a diet, and trying to loose weight, but I'm perfect weight for my age. Also, how do I stop KJB from texting me certain messages I don't want, and if everything my little brother says and does is normal for his age(9), or am I just pathetic and can't take these little things? He also has had TWO phones already. His first one was bad, and he accidentally decided to skateboard with it in his pocket, and broke it. He has his second phone now, but is asking my dad for a iPhone 4. W-T-F?? Doesn't my dad know that he broke his first phone, and can't be trusted with a really expensive phone? I only had one phone (I'm upgrading to a cool phone this July :D) and I have a iPod Touch 4g. Thanks for reading all of this :)

How do i capture a friendly mom and kitten and 3 other skittish kittens?

My mom and her friend and i recently came across a litter of kittens and their mom at a university. The mom and one of the kittens we can hold and pet and we can easily get them in the crate, but the problem is the three others! We really dont want to seperate them and hoping to take them all soon. The population of hawks is scary and were afraid something might happen to them. First we get food and try for them to come into a enclosed area but we cant seem to get them. We are going today again and hoping to catch them... any ideas or tips? Anything will help!! :) Thanks~!

Am I too close to my teacher?

No, you are not too close. Your friends may be jealous of this special relationship. There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to her and getting her advice.

I have just been listening to some Tibetan monks chanting, does anyone know the name of the style?

when the voice goes so low it almost sounds like bass (if that makes sense..) here is a link to the video a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a the bit i like is at 50 seconds, cheers for any help!

I love this crowd tonight....?

Not only did they chant "Batista" when Mason Ryan was wrestling, but they also chanted "This is stupid" during Kane & Mark Henry. They're just speaking the mind of the WWE universe hahahaha

What is the smallest grazing animal to keep in a garden?

not necessarily a goat, something that's friendly and has small poop so it won't stack in the garden, but a goat would be fine if there's nothing smaller

Why does my computer keep making this noise?

So a couple of months ago my boyfriend scared me and I kind of threw my laptop off the bed. I think something may have gotten knocked lose because now once in awhile it makes a really loud whirling noise! I don't think it's the fan because it's not overheating and it's not due to a disc being in my computer either. My laptop doesn't lag or freeze when this happens, but I always shut it down and leave it off for awhile to be on the safe side. It usually happens if I pick my laptop up a certain way.

What does this dream mean ?

Okay Justin first thing you need to get off tour and go back to school and fix your grammar. Second I think you watched that new movie that came out before you went to sleep and started dreaming wired things. That movie I can't remember the name but it had angles in it and they were sent down to earth to kill a baby you know what I am talking about. And they were evil. A little old lady that is suppose to be an angle says (all the little baby's in the world are going to die everyone is going to die) STOP WATCHING CRAZY MOVIES

Could this have been the Antichrist Survey for believers?

it wasnt the anti christ. dreams show us whats hidding deep in our subconsious. maybe you have some fear of something

Am i a bad person to be friend with?

Well, I'm not going to read all that. But, if you're questioning yourself, you probably are a bad person to be friends with.

Neo notebook help!!!!!!!!! (Can't open any programs etc...)?

Ok, here's the problem.. When I open my neo notebook, it works perfectly fine, but when it's the time for my desktop part to appear. the mouse pointer stars whirling and continue to whirl around. I waited for 30 min. for it to return to its normal state but it just can't stop whirling.... What should I do? I can't open anything... What seems to be the problem? Please I need ur help to fix my note book.... Thanks in advance!!!!

First paragraph, what do you think?

Very good job. It is easy to read, gives you a good idea of what happened, and is also using proper spelling and vocabulary. I can't wait to read what happens next! Are planning on becoming a writer?

How do I become more Outgoing and Friendly?

I really want to be a Flight Attendant and see the world, but the problem is I'm not very outgoing and good with people. I want to be, but I just don't know how to talk to strangers, I'm kind of awkward that way..Does anyone have any tips?

Am I legally allowed to beat up this dude?

You'd be convicted of assault...and probably beating up an immature kid really worth getting your salad tossed in juvie?

Does anyone know the meaning behind "The Poet" by William Cullen Bryant?

It means if you are going to call yourself a poet, you better write with passion and create great poems.

AM i overlooking this?? IS he just being friendly towards me?? Thank u!!?

You need to talk to him and ask him what's going on. 'You've been acting different lately, always grinning at me. It's starting to bug me. What's going on? Is there anything you want to tell me or ask me?'. Then its up to him to explain. If he doesn't, then you can just tell him to stop behaving like a grinning idiot, because it's annoying you.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Where can I get some Ben & Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace from?

I live in England and seeing as Ben & Jerry's is and American company I was thinking, will I ever get my hands on a tub of Imagine Whirled Peace ? Or is it one of the many flavours that they haven't yet released in England ? Thanks.

Okay this is gonna sound wierd, but i am not alone in this.......?

My mom died recently. It's been tough without her. I know this is gonna sound silly, but my five year old daughter asked me something that got my mind whirling. Can Nana see everything we do from hevean? Does she see me when i pick my nose? Does she see me when i am in the bathroom? I am twenty five, but i can't help wondering my self can she? Is this a normal thing? Can my mom see all this? If so is she watching when i have sex or when i'm shaving my legs in the tub? We brought her ashes home, which kinda wierded me out a tiny bit too.

Why is organic clothing ugly?

I'm trying to find some clothing brands that use organic clothing and are eco friendly. Although it seems that every company I check out has plain, bland clothing! SOme of it's cute, but its all these ugly shades of monotonic colors. Any vivid cute clothing companies you know of that are organic and eco friendly?

Pit bull friendly apartments in the peninsula?

I am in search for an apartment in the peninsula, that will accept my pit bull. He is very obedient and potty trained.

What does this poem called Out Of School mean?

It is a verty energetic poem about what happens when school lets out and the last moment of fun and action before all must fly away home

Is my fish dying or laying eggs?

Alright so I got this fish 2 months ago exactly and when i got her i thought it was a dude until I checked "how to tell if your goldfish is a dude or a chick" and I realised it was a girl. Its had a big belly since I got her so I just thought she was fat. I feed my fish once in the morning at 6am and once at 10 pm. I got another fish and think he's a boy (not sure, he's not completely grown yet) I haven't changed the feeding, its still the same amount (like 2 1/2 fish flakes the size of half a fingernail each) so I don't think im overfeeding. Anyway, I looked at my tank before I left tonight and my girl fish was belly up but still breathing and taking a long poop (sorry but that's how i describe it) and i thought the balls were air bubbles and she was dying because she had air in her tummy but then i touched one and it didn't explode like i thought air bubbles would. So i thought that was weird and i was tapping the bowl so she would swim around chanting "fight Laquisha! Fight for your life!" and then I cried (naturally. These are my first pets) And 2 hours later I come back home and she's STILL breathing, belly up, taking her poop. So at this point I went online to check what fish eggs look like and Im pretty sure they're fish eggs but I don't think the girl fish are supposed to be belly up :/ is she gonna die? Is she already dying? Also, I scooped out the male goldfish and put him in a bowl for the night in-case she does die. Don't want him getting sick...or eating the eggs. Also, I cleaned their tank 2 days ago and the water is murky. Im like...80% sure the male fish isn't ready to spawn yet so idk why its like that.... Please help :(

Is bull terrier good dog first time "puppy" owner?

I heard they are really friendly dogs because thats what is important to me do they have sweet nature how people say they do? Also I want to get a puppy.

Can Christians chant Hare Krishna ?

Or is this like praying to another God. I read you can chant it just to feel a sense of peace, but I don't want to chant it if it offends God. Thank you.

Has anyone had a dog who stopped barking? Can help with my question?

All dogs have different personalities, just like people if he doesn't like to bark then be thank full that you have a quiet dog my dog only barks when she is really scared. If he isn't acting like there is anything medically wrong with him then don't stress.

Any lash growing serums work for cheap?

Of course we all want darker longer lashes but dont have the money for the prescription Lattise so anyone know or tried the cheaper brands? ive been using Mega Lash's by Wet & Wild which I knew wouldnt yeild fantastic dramatic results but its yet to be worth the $4 so im willing to spend a lil more if i know it makes some sort of difference. I know the cheaper the formula the longer it takes to work but im willing to give em a whirl.

What does this dream mean??? Woke up and cried?

You must be thinking about your graduation and these days you were feeling bored. So your real life and imaginative world in dream collided. It has nothing to do with your real life. Feel better.

Well, would this be a yay or nay?

I like it. I would've liked to have use my imagination more, though. I know you're trying to capture the routine monotony, but there are times (eg. "blinked his eyes" are there any other body parts that blink?) when it feels like it's talking down to me. Just my two cents

My parents are getting divorced. What do I do?

I'm only 12 and my dad wants a divorce. It's probably going to happen. I am so upset right now and I can't get a hold of any of my friends since it's a Sunday night...... My parents wanted to get divorced when I was way younger but even though they sorted it out, I went through a whirl-wind of depression for years and finally got out of it. I'm starting to get depressed again and I have no idea what to do. My whole life has revolved around constant fighting.. It upsets me to hear them fighting a lot. I've always wished to just have a normal family that loved each other like my friends, but instead my life is a hellhole! Help :'(

Is this a good beginning opening for a story? Why/Why not?

I like it but Emily doesn't sound like a real person, it doesn't sound right and is a little fast and amature. And you could use other words than "said" all the time. Make them more believable and use varied words and yeah it would be good.

Did u hear that on raw?

OK I like cin cara but I thought the power ranger chant was kinda funny am I the only one all r welcome agree or disagree don't care want thoughts k thanks

Do you think this guy is interested or not?

So I met this guy a week ago, me him and two other close friends of mine hung out. We all hung out two days in a row that week, then the next week me him and his friend chilled again. I guess i spaced out and he's like i know what your thinking and then the next day I go on facebook and he chatted me first and we had a friendly conversation and he gave me his number & told me to text him, During the chat on facebook i was like guess what! he said you found out what i was thinking? so he was thinking something and wouldn't tell me what it was. he said "you'll find out one day" and then last night he texted me and i told him lets hang out so me him and a friend i was with hung out again and we had so much fun together and im just wondering if hes interested or not by whats been going on? hmmm...


I would probably Say something like This is great he has no idea that i well.. yeah how can i tell him


That definitely sounds like a crazy day! I have had those, it's stressful but those are the ones that create lasting memories!

What do I do about my parents?

Try and have a mature sit down talk with your parents and discuss your feelings with them. they really need to understand how your feeling and maybe once they do they will respect you more.

Question about a movie.?

Ive seen a small clip on line of a man walking to his door, and as he peeks into the peep hole you see another man running straight at the door jumping in the air and knocking it clean off the hinges leaving the other guy flying backwards. I know its from a movie I just can not remember where it is from, maybe you guys can give it a whirl to find out.

Why does water sometimes stay in a bucket when you whirl it in a circle at a certain speed?

I am assuming you are referring to spinning a bucket on the vertical plane is a circle. The water will stay in the bucket if the centripetal force exceeds the force of gravity.

He chatted me on what?

No as a guy i would say he wouldn`t care at all that you didnt respond and if he is after you so much he wouldnt care that you didnt respond one time, and please put him out of his misery so he can move on, i never think its cool if a girl i like just wants to be friends when i clearly express my feelings to her, put it out in the open, say you can stay friends, you just dont want anything to do with him relationship wise. Also if he likes you that much, you might want to try and give him another chance, it seems like your always on his mind, so id say give him another chance, thats just my opinion on this

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why is he treating me this way please help?

ive been friends with a guy 3 years and really like him. ive helped him with work exams, financial problems and lately hes turned on me. before he was very friendly around colleagues but now blanks me a lot and is quite cool towards me. he also knows i like him and manipulates me as in makes me call him and chase him if you like. why has he turned like this and how can i regain my self confidence and show he doesnt bother me even though it does please help

Why does my rabbit hate me?

idk.. i had kinda the same prob with my previous pet. i just leaved it a bit alone while im next to it.. then she came closer and closer to me. that makes her feel comfortable. but sometimes it depends on which gender you are, cause my female dont like men lol. not even my dad

Explain why this poem frightens some people? The Skull?

It's not the skulls that frighten me it's the whirring razors slashing skin which gives me the creeps. As does the teeth tearing into another's throat. Sent shivers down my spine and I'm glad it's early in the evening as I don't want nightmares when I do go to bed.

Did blacks want integration?

Whenever I watch or read programs about the fight for civil rights in the 1960's, they always portray people marching in support of school integration. My question is, did black people at that time really want to integrate public schools? I can vividly remember large groups picketing outside my school, but they were chanting "Hell, no - we won't go!" Meaning they did not want to leave their school. This confuses me. Can someone who knows a lot about that era and the civil rights movement explain the conflict between my memories and what is written in the history books? Also, I have friends that went to school at that time in Long Island, New York, who told me that there were no black students in their school the whole time. Did integration and busing only apply to the southern states? I am not trying to sound racist, just want to understand more about that period of US history. Thank you.

How do i beat the 8th gym leader on pokemon soul silver?

Yeah Clair's a tough cookie to beat in that game, since she has Dragonair, and her dumb Kingdra I suggest starting with Gyrados using Dragon Rage (since it always does 40 damage), also the Beedril with Toxic Spikes will be very usefulm if lucky your Togekiss's Mentronome would help. If you used Beedril to use Poison spikes then sent out Pidgeot to keep healing itself with Roost, if any faint just sent out Krabby to faint then use another, you'll get it as long as you heal

What should I do to tell her I like her?

I think you should do something that tells her straight up how you feel. Forget about the "alpha male". You have just as much of a chance! Buy her some flowers and attach a little card with them just telling her straight up how you feel!!

I have 2 questions about my story. please answer, i havent had many answers for my questions lately?

It is a good idea and would be very readable although you do have some typing errors there. I like the fact that you have chosen an Inuit word for the bear's name as it does show a level of research that many on this site fail to achieve. I suggest you print it off and read it out loud or get someone to read it to you and you will hear the things that need changing. The story so far flows well so keep at it. Good luck with your story.

Question about church?

Armed with a hymnal, and absolutely no knowlage of what to do, I got through a church service at a methodist church. I have gone to church all my life, but my dad recently got a new job at a methodist church, which I usually go to other danominations. But my main question is to anyone who goes to a catholic or methodist church, do you ever feel a connection with God from the mindless chanting and hymms? I always learn something from a sermon, but not from an hour of "repeat the pastor" thank you for answering if you did, otherwise.. you don't get thanked

Is this a good beginnign to my story?

Wow. I don't understand what lines from the song you took, but if they are copyrighted, just fix them, make more lines and publish this. On the other hand your writing and the words you make are so smooth and calming that you should make poetry. That's just my opinion but if there would be poetry books made by you, I would buy them.

Is this a good beginning for my book?

well i was bored to hell and you also made lots of grammar and spelling mistakes and you used some words that didn't quite fit the story or that could be changed with better ones (Like "obeyed" it's not like you're in the army)

Is a cockatiel perfect for me? 10pts?

I want to get a cockatiel because I get lonely sometimes. I'm 14. I love pet birds and spending time with them. I'm hoping to get a bird that loves to interact and will live long. A bird that have abilities like whistle, or talk. I'm friendly and nice (mostly to little kids and birds). Is a cockatiel perfect for me^? No dumb answers.

Random, unrealistic, disturbing piece of writing I just came up with.. opinions?

you are a very good writer, putting humor to the dark subject at hand- even murderers have curfew. Excellent work! A bit disturbing, and definetly not for younger audiences, but a good piece of work!

Is this apartment worth it? Should i stay or should i leave?

I dont pay much ($755) but you do get what you pay for. The maintenace sucks, he very lazy and dont want to do ****. I have had issues with my balcony screen door darn near everyday, it keeps falling off track and doesnt fit. It pisses me off when it falls off track. My 1 year old daughter had actually fallen through it, had she got hurt it was gonna be some reprucussion. The maintenance guy which is only one tries to charge me for the littlest things such as the closet light string comes off when you pull it and the guy want to charge me. I live on the bottom floor i guess its typical to have bugs but geesh i get carpet beetle (i think) there black little nubs all over my carpet, bees, spiders (caught one on my bed), and every outside creature you can think off comes in my bedroom window and ONLY my bedroom winow into my house. The carpet itches me and i have been there for a year i dont understand why. Other than that the apartment is spacious and the neighbors are friendly and the complex is quiet.

How does this excerpt from my novel sound?

Oooh I like the tension. A build up to a killing is always good and leaves time for the victim to escape..resulting in a creepy chase scene :D Paha..I love it. :D

What can I expect at a first time visit to a neurologist?

Hello all. I'm seeing a neurologist for dizziness, extreme fatigue, tingling in hands and feet, migranes, and frequent urination. The dizziness causes me to have memory loss at times and a whirling motion as well. My regular doctor has already ruled out diabetes and all endocrine so she thinks it for the neuro. What can I expect at the first visit??

Poll: have you ever heard or read this?

The freshmen child oh so shy she sits ans watches the sophomore guy the sophomore guy head in a whirl sits and watches the junior girl the junior girl in her red sedan sits and watches the senior man the senior man so hot and wild secretly loves the freshmen child what do you think of when you read that?

Why do certain groups of 20 and 30 somethings want people like me who pay for their own private health?

When you buy your health insurance and make a major claim you usually claim much more than the premiums that's you've paid for the coverage. That extra money doesn't come from magic pixies poofing it into existence it comes mostly from the premiums that others have contributed (corporate organised socialism or what). The more healthy people that contribute the cheaper your insurance and twenty somethings who are now covered are contributing to the pot of money. Perhaps the healthy twenty somethings should be complaining about the fogies like you who put demands on the system because of their advanced age.

Why won't this game run on my laptop?

Canyourunit is a worthless pile of crap. The problem is that you have a crappy Intel X4500 integrated turd. That thing can barely handle Minesweeper. That being said, hit the laptop manufacturer's website and grab the latest drivers. If you can play it then it'll have to be on minimal settings. Bear in mind that Frictional Games (the site you should have checked when looking at system requirements) says that integrated graphics may not work.

When I like someone I just freeze!?

So basically I'm outgoing but when I like someone and they come up to me I unintentionally make it super obvious that I like them because I don't say anything (or if i do all my words get mixed up), I just turn red and laugh super obnoxious. But with anyone else whose just a friend or someone I don't like I am the most easy going, friendliest person ever. How can I get over this? It's really embarrassing and obvious when I like someone and EVERYONE can tell !

Family friendly suburbs close to NYC?

My husband and I are looking to move from the city to a suburb either in New York or New Jersey that is affordable with a good school district but close enough for commute to midtown NYC. We need a yard as have a toddler and infant. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

Feedback for my confusing beginning of my story?

That's not confusing at all. Basically the little girl can't feel emotion, That's pretty messed up, But it's a good way to start off a story:)

Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame Lyrics Question?

At the very beginning of the movie, during the opening credits, there is a choir singing a Latin chant a capella. What are they saying?

What is the radius of the orbit if the centripetal force on the stone is 98.7 N?

A 20gm stone is whirled around overhead in a horizontal orbit twenty times in 10 seconds. What is the radius of the orbit if the centripetal force on the stone is 98.7 N?

Does, any one know the Buddhism chant?

Which one? There are tons of them. One of the most popular is "Namu Amida Butsu". Another popular one is "Om Mani Padme Hum".

Whose rotation is really better, the phillies or yankees?

As a Yankees fan I think that the Phillies have the better rotation. Halladay and Oswalt have really dominated through for them in the last two years. Hammels is overrated, but Lee will continue to dominate, and most of his losses were because of lack of run support.

Should i tryout for the cheerleading squad? Please help me!!?

should i tryout for the cheerleading squad in high school? The high school that im going to is brooklyn tech. They said that trying out for the cheerling squad consists of learning jumps and kicks, a cheer and a chant.You will also be asked to create a dance or cheer routine (your choice to use music) that lasts four counts of 8. You will be learning material and Thursday will be the evaluations. You will be given an audition number and are encouraged to create a colorful and spirit-filled sign that displays your number for evaluations. What is an evaluation? I've never been in a cheerleading squad before, is it bad to be one in high school since I don't know any stunts or anything.I can't even do a split. :(. I also don't know how to make my own cheer routine. Whoever is a cheerleader, What was your tryout like? What did u have to do? What did you do?

Lmao at crowd chanting "this is stupid" & BQ?

Its whether. And I agree. The WWE has hit a new low by making RAW Roulette for next week, but I have to admit this RAW is far better than last. I was actually debating on watching tonight since RAW and Capitol Punishment were so bad. I don't know if I'm watching next week or not.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Digging dead body in my dream?

im with two african male kids... i know we are with some other people they are militants or something... the two boy keeps on chanting something like some militants or terrorist chants... one boy water downed the soil with a hose i get the impression that we need to dig something as there are marks on the ground where we are supposed to dig... my shovel broke because the soil is hard so i wet it with water... after a while i dug a wrist watch... i gave it to one of the boys then when i look theres a dead body with no head on the area im digging the boy said the head of the dead guy turned to stone... so what does it means..

Why is there so much focus on tort reform?

Regarding malpractice claims and yet it stops there. For example record companies sue children for 13 million dollars for downloading 6 songs yet killing the child is capped at 300,000 in texas. I'm just wondering how frivolous only seems to apply towards lawsuits filed by the public when companies routinely get outrageous judgements, like walmart got a man sentenced to life in prison for taking a pair of sox. A family gets side 10 million dollars for building 1 inch over a companies property line, but when it time to be aued back suddenly we seem to chant the word frivilous.

Awwwwww. Are the NYC Yellow Cab Drivers upset? Perhaps this is happening b/c they deserve this?

They say it would be "unfair competition"...well no, it's perfectly "fair"...either find a way to lower your costs or go out of business...

In the movie Rio, what does Nico and Pedro chant in Portuguese just before they meet Blu in his cage?

When they arrive Nico just says "la, la, la, ei, ei, ei", it means nothing. Then he asks "E a�, tudo bom?" - "Hey, what's up?"

I am looking for the name of a movie...from what i can remember about it some kids are in a cabin and they are?

i am looking for the name of a movie...from what i can remember about it some kids are in a cabin and they are talking about chanting something in the bathroom mirror and no one wanted to do it so one girl said she would (she has dark hair)so she goes in there and does it and when she comes out she says nothing happened but it did she was possessed.....thats all i can remember about.i sure hope somebody knows the name of this movie

Catching Horsea in Pokemon Silver?

I would really like a horsea so I could eventually have a Kingdra. I am at Whirl Islands right now and I cannot for the life of me find one. A couple places I have checked online say that I need a super rod to catch him but I wanted to see if I could get anymore input. It would be awesome if I could catch one with a good rod or if one would just attack me in one of the whirl island caves. So does anyone know if this will happen for me or do I need the super rod??

I think my dog has run away?

Well sadly in this kind of situation all you can really do is pray there alright!! :'( I would go and search around your neighborhood to see if he is around there somewhere, most dogs don't tend to stray that far from there homes. Also if you normally walk your dog around a constant route, I would check that as well, my fox terrier got out once, and he came back an hour later from the same route I usually take to walk him!! :) If he got picked up by animal control they'll call you and tell you they have your dog, if he is still not home and you haven't gotten any information about him after three days I would put uposters around your neighborhood. I'm sooo sorry for your bad luck!! :'( I hope you find your dog soon, safe and unharmed!! :'(

Why do girls NEVER talk to you unless you talk to them first?

Honestly, it's not about not liking you, it's about looking desperate. If a girl is always the one to text you and call you first, she might appear as desperate. Keep talking first.

What does a pitcher do in this situation?

Ok, so there is a man on first and second (lets say the guy is taking a huge lead on second.) you come set, lift your leg and whirl around to pick him off, and he sprints to steal. NOW HES CAUGHT IN A PICKLE! Where does the pitcher go. Does he backup second?

In love with my cousin?

If she is not blood related then I don't think it matters 2 much, but if she is I would avoid it. Sounds like u care alot for this girl :)

Are you also agreed that corruption can be eradicated with the help of chanting of mantras.?

Chanting of mantras cannot eradicate corruption but this indicates that people are now depending on the last resort.....that is request the almighty god to eradicate corruption.......becoz all else has failed.

Does this girl like me? If so, am I reacting well?

This girl at my school was really being friendly at the end of a year in exam study sessions. we were good friends since the 2nd quarter of the year, but we didn't get to talk much. In the study session she always watched me and paid really close attention to what i said. She also looked at me alot outside of the sessions and laughed at all my jokes, even the crappy ones. The last day she asked me to walk around the campus with her during lunch. She didn't have enough money to buy lunch so i gave her my sandwich. When she said her back was sore i offered to carry her backpack for her and she just laughed and said "no, thanks, i'm fine." When i was about to leave she asked if i had to go to the make-up testing, which i didn't, then she said she'll miss me and hugged me goodbye. Was i acting too chivalrous or desperate? No rush on answers, I wont see her for a while unless I'm really lucky.